Thursday, August 11, 2011

14. Consistency

It's important to note that the famous quote is often mis-spoken;
It is only the "foolish consistency which is the hobgoblin of little
minds." If you're focused on greatness, then consistency is the thing
which can carry you through.

Consistency, patience, persistence; they all go hand in hand.

Life is more about the tedium and the regularity than the drama
and the big events; wait long enough and everything under the sun
comes back around. If you're smart enough and staid enough to
notice this and restrain from impetuousness, you may get the prize.

One's commitment to personal goals and planning is key here, too.
If you are easily run off or scared...if you don't believe fully enough
in self and have a dedication to the long haul, success will likely evade
you. Dedication in heart, energy, time, and resources.

We live in a time of expectation of fast paybacks, and pitifully
short attention spans. (cough cough--computers--cough cough!)
If we don't have a consistency to work ethic, calling potential clients,
building relationships, glad-handing, passing out cards, posting links to
our business, turning in applications--just plain damned TRYING--we
can't complain when it doesn't happen.

It may take a hundred efforts and attempts for me to get just a one or
two day job. If that's what it's what it takes. The alternative is

Following through means keeping vision strong and keeping spirit high.

We can't allow setbacks and difficulties to derail us; they are an inevitable
part of life. They aren't personal. They aren't the end. They aren't defeat.
We can't let 'lacking' outweigh 'trying.'

Keep going, keep going, keep going...until it happens.
Don't lose out on a dream--or even basic survival--because you gave up
too early. Stick-to-it-iveness is essential!

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