Tuesday, December 13, 2011

17. Taking Chances

We live in a world of tit-for-tat; nothing comes easy, nothing
is free, nothing comes without a price in direct balance to what
is gained.

Sometimes you know up front what a sacrifice will entail, other
times you take a chance and find out later. Getting what you
need is more important than worrying over a debt.

This world runs on compromise, sacrifice, and bartering.
No one gets everything they want, and they definitely have
to part with something else to get it (whether it be peace of
mind, politeness, family, love, security, treasures, innocence,
a false sense of security, etc.)

All relationships exist in a state of imbalance...
all treasures are acquired by being in relationship
to the world or others in the world. There must be
a partnership or a dependence on others who possess the
talents or insights that you do not. In order to achieve such
a mutually beneficial status, we may have to give away things
we don't wish to. Life is constant receiving and sending, 
gain and loss. 

You get what you get --what you want--only by virtue of
willingness to do without other desired treasures....
by virtue of who you're willing to get in bed with...
by virtue of how much chaos and change you are capable of

Indebtedness, concealment, conciliation, are all part of the
ride and the price we pay (at one point or another) to the
piper. So whenever possible, breaking free and letting loose
the shackles is vital. Vital to reclaiming our lives, placing our
mark, and stretching our creative legs. And there's no sure-fire
guarantee with taking chances or going off the beaten path.

No more idealizing, no more imposed hegemony, no more naivete.

To know the true workings of this world is to open one's self
to the ravenously scurrilous and unpredictable nature of things;
there's no going back. To want something to be different from
what has always been... to seek to make your vision(s) manifest...
that is the ultimate chance.

Nothing is promised, all promises are lies, and handshakes
simply mean you know you've made a deal with the devil.
Step out into the nothingness and see what transpires.


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