Sunday, May 16, 2010

3. Self-Interest

We're taught from early on that ego and
self-interest are bad things, and that we
are to share and allow others access to
what we have.

Nothing could be more wrong and more

This is an attempt by the ruling people
and institutions to break the will of its
populace from early inject the fear
of self-care so that we will all be nervously
working on adhering to the 'greater good.'

We are brain-washed by government, religion,
parents, schools, the police, and others to
submit to the will of others for all things.

-Don't worry for self.
-Don't seek for self.
-Be subservient.
-Be weak.
-Be willing to do without.
-Be afraid to speak up for self.

There is nothing wrong with being self-interested;
in fact, it is the only means of surviving that we
possess. But the individual who knows themselves and
is bold is a threat to the power structure.

Once you already have the money, you can be
allowed to keep the money. You're one of the network
then. But until you have it, those that already have it
don't want competition, and you are the enemy.

Self-interest is not a 4-letter-word. It is the key
to our survival. Embrace it utterly.

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